At Viper Tool Storage, we aim to deliver all products to you in pristine condition. However, we understand that there may be instances where items arrive damaged during the shipping process. Therefore, to assist you promptly in such cases, we have established the following damaged product policy.
Reporting Damaged Products:
- Upon receiving a damaged product, you are required to report the issue to us within 7 days of delivery.
- You can report the damage by emailing our customer support team at Please include your order number, a description of the damage, photos, and any relevant details.
- You must keep all packaging materials as the shipping company will require them for the claims process.
This guide is for small parcel damages only. Please check out our Receiving Freight guide on how to handle damaged freight shipments.

Documenting Damage:
- To expedite the resolution process, you must take clear and detailed photographs of the damaged product and its packaging.
- Photos should clearly show the extent of the damage and any visible signs of mishandling during transit.
- We will need the following photos for filling a claim:
- A photo showing the damaged item and how it was packaged inside the box
- A photo of the damaged item
- A photo of the packaging material used
- A close-up photo of the shipping label with tracking number (generally starts with 1Z)
- Two photos showing all six sides of the package (one showing top and two sides, another showing bottom and opposite sides)
Initiating Damage Claim:
- Once you file a claim, we’ll promptly resolve the issue with the shipping company.
- We will keep the you informed throughout the claims process, providing updates on the status of the claim and any necessary actions required from your end.
- The claim process for each carrier will vary slightly.
Resolution Process:
- Once you initiate the damage claim, we will work diligently with the shipping company to resolve the issue as swiftly as possible.
- Depending on the circumstances, resolution may involve replacement of the damaged product, issuance of a refund, or any other appropriate course of action.
We appreciate your cooperation in promptly reporting any damage and providing the necessary documentation. Your assistance in the claims process by saving packaging and providing photographic evidence greatly enhances our ability to resolve the issue effectively. For any questions or assistance regarding damaged products, customers can reach out to our customer support team at By adhering to this policy and cooperating with us in the claims process, we aim to ensure a seamless resolution and your utmost satisfaction with your shopping experience.
Viper Tool Storage reserves the right to update or modify this damaged product policy as deemed necessary to better serve our customers and improve our operations.